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PowerTubs Tub
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PowerTubs Tub

PowerTubs™ provide a nutrient-dense, convenient way to feed cattle. They combine natural protein, fat, digestible fiber and vitamins that can optimize rumen performance. PowerTubs™ improves cattle vitality and supports the growing phase of grazing calves. 

PowerDeer Tubs
PowerDeer Tubs

PowerDeer™ Tubs are a supplement formulated from distillers grains (DDGs), providing deer 27% protein and good digestibility. The unique formula blend contains essential nutrients that support deer health, growth, and rack development. PowerDeer™ Tubs is also prepared to meet a deer's nutritional needs throughout the different seasons.  

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PTUSA has partnered with a wide range of distributors ranging from small to large feed stores. Find your local distributor to get our products

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